2012 m. vasario 18 d., šeštadienis

The first role


Just... Necks... ;)

Church - getting owned since the start of science

How to kill millions of people


Future self n me

Thats the whole another level :))

And thats where they came from...

This is NOT a hatred

Collest danger sign

Still retarded

So that where the dubstep come from...

Yes... Powerful...

Scanning a mirror... How come it didn't work?

Me too... Me too...

Still not as...

Nicknames are hard to forget



We never think about this...

Worth reading through...

Perfect timing

Forever alone strikes again...

Different sexes, different wishes

Not everyone understands these poems...

I thought so...

No s***?

Therapist dog

Awesome dad

Simple enough

Simply Nailed!

Agreed :)

No comments ;)

Tech Savvy Dad

Epic Dad is Epic

Happened to most

Different point of view

No comments :)

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